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Virtual Marriage Course Notification

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

We plan to start another virtual marriage course in the next few days. This course is for any couple, young or old, married long or married short, newlyweds or not so new, who wish to improve their relationship. If you wish to join or know someone who may benefit please have them reach out to us. 

I have included a copy of a previous announcement (with some updates) that outlines the course logistics and pricing. See below.

The plan is for a weekly WhatsApp course where we will post a lesson “core” every other week with discussion points and optional homework. We don’t want to add pressure and added stress to your lives so it will mostly be food for thought. Your input will always be appreciated … and you will get out of it what you put into it. We will add to the “core” as the week progresses depending on the time we have, inspiration, and the input we receive from you as participants.

The logistics: we create a WhatsApp chat – Ben, Rose, and you as husband and wife. This is a private, confidential chat. We encourage your responses, thoughts, and insights to be posted to this chat.

These lessons are a compendium of thought from various resources and have been influenced by many of the couples to whom we have sent it for editing and further input. Please remember this is an evolving course and will grow and be added to over time.

Update on Pricing: We have learned from experience that paying for something endows it with more meaning and causes one to give themselves at a deeper level. For this reason we have been advised to charge $35 per lesson, $280 for the entire 8 lesson course. This will be payable through PayPal or by check. Proceeds will be invested back into providing mental health resources for our people.

Lessons Titles (in its present form)

Lesson #1 – Going Back

Lesson #2 – Love Maps

Lesson #3 – Nurturing Love and Affection

Lesson #4 – Turning Towards Each Other

Lesson #5 – Boundaries in Marriage

Lesson #6 – Influencing Each Other

Lesson #7 – Solving Problems

Lesson #8 – Creating Shared Meaning

References and acknowledgment: As mentioned, this course has been compiled from many resources and inspiration. However, please note that some titles and thoughts presented are taken from John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Harmony Books, copyrights 1995 and 2015.

Note: You don’t have to be a couple “in trouble” to benefit from these courses. We have found some couples we work with often need awareness only and are able to improve their relationship by making small adjustments and “tweaks.” If you or someone you know would benefit from this course please reach out through our website form – found under the counseling tab – or through WhatsApp at 574-238-8372 (Ben).

Please feel free to subscribe on the home page for essay/blog posts, updates and further information as it is posted.

And thank-you for supporting this work in prayer.

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