Thoughts and Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
Over the last two years, I have become interested in CBD products to help people more effectively from a naturopathic standpoint. After extensive research into the uses and efficacy of CBD, I decided to start selling CBD products under the Green Compass umbrella. I chose this company due to their high-quality standards, third party testing, and their efforts to pursue government regulation and FDA approvals.
As always, I am interested in seeking and finding the truth about health and wellness practices and claims, and thus I went into my first naturopathic foray with skepticism, doubt, and even some trepidation. I have asked clients to report back to me if their CBD products are actually helpful in relieving symptoms and so far the feedback has been very positive, although some benefit more than others.
I receive many questions about CBD and want to use this forum to address some of these in a manner that is as concise and clear as possible.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound found in cannabis. Unlike marijuana (marijuana is also known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC), which is another cannabis compound, it is non-psychoactive and thus non-addictive and has few adverse side effects.
How does CBD work?
Our bodies have something called an endocannabinoid system, a lesser-known part of the nervous system. The endocannabinoid system is located throughout the body, thus affecting functions relating to many aspects of metabolism. CBD targets receptors in this system.
What can CBD be used for?
CBD is used to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and general malaise. It is used to combat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. It can be effective in reducing and relieving symptoms of menopause and a variety of pain disorders. CBD has been FDA approved in the treatment of epilepsy.
Is CBD safe for children?
Yes, it is. I have numerous clients using CBD to help regulate children facing the challenges of ADHD. It is also used to ameliorate the symptoms of colic and acid reflux, for example.
Is CBD legal?
Yes, it is legal both in the US and Canada. However, interestingly enough, it is not permitted to cross borders due to the fact that many unregulated CBD products contain more THC (the active substance in marijuana) than what the package says. Hopefully these restrictions are lifted once regulations are in place and FDA approvals are received.
CBD and Research
CBD is not a new substance. The first documented use is from 2737 BC in China where it was used to treat gout, malaria, and rheumatism. Over the centuries CBD has been used for various maladies. In 2018 the FDA approved the first CBD-centered drug for the treatment of epilepsy. Unfortunately, because this is a natural supplement, pharmaceutical companies have little incentive to fund large long-term trials and there is a paucity of evidence surrounding the efficacy of CBD. However, there have been many smaller trials and currently CBD is being tested for wide range of illnesses including schizophrenia, anxiety, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. In short, almost all the research points to encouraging and overall positive benefits from CBD usage.
On a side note: a recent study showed clear evidence that CBD actually inhibited the COVID-19 infection in cells and mice. Please see more on this under the CBD research tab.
Summary & Discourse
I personally feel that CBD is well worth trying. It has a good track record providing you obtain it from a trusted supplier. Side effects are minimal and are often related to the benefit; for example, drowsiness can be a side effect which is great if you are using it for insomnia. Considering that we have often have no problem using pain, anxiety, or depression medications, why wouldn’t we want to rather use a natural substance that could possibly have similar effects? Having said that, be aware that CBD will work slower and may not produce the same quick response you may be used to from a medication such as a narcotic or anxiety med, for example. CBD heals the body at a deeper level and can take time.
CBD Dosing
I recommend new users start with Nano jellies (gummies) and the tincture (liquid). Nanos come in a variety of flavors and contain 25 mg of CBD per jelly; tinctures start at 500 mg and go up from there. Research studies have shown that there is a dosing sweet spot and too little or too much may have no effect.
It is best to start with half a jelly daily for a week and increase to a half twice daily for another week. Increase to a full jelly in the morning and take a second in the evening if so desired.
Tincture dosing: Adults start with the 750 mg tincture. Start with a half a drop and increase to one to two drops daily for one to two weeks. Full dosing is as much as a full dropper daily. Again, start low and go slow.
Green Compass sells more CBD products than just jellies and tincture. Topical pain creams, collagen, skin products, and powdered drink mixes are also available. I have focused a little more on the jellies and tincture because that is the recommended mainstay for clients facing the challenges of anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and insomnia. If, for example, you wish to try CBD for a specific chronic illness or cancer, please contact me for further consultation and product and dosing guidelines.
Ordering information
Follow these links for quick access to the CBD journey:
You can also create a BALANCE and RESTORE bundle that has both of these recommended products as a package for less money.
A couple of ordering tips:
Choosing the auto-ship/monthly replenishment option saves money with free shipping after 2 months. You can cancel anytime.
Use my 6-digit friendshare code for 20% off. Code: 535769.
Take CBD for at least 3 months – it can take time for some to feel the full effect; for others it works faster. CBD heals at a deeper level and thus, in general, it takes more time. If a person is obese, for example, it will take longer. Natural methods always take more time than chemical/prescribed meds do.
You can easily cancel with no question at anytime.
Flavors – the jellies come in different flavors – if you don’t like a flavor go ahead and change it.
If you live in Canada contact me for shipping options.
I can always help with dosing. These products are expensive and thus I want you to use as little as possible for the effective dose. More is not better. Let’s work at this together.
NEW WEBSITE UPDATE: Please see the new dosing tab under the CBD page under Services.
As always, I appreciate all the support for Road Map To Morning and our commitment to help people thrive from a holistic standpoint. Please feel free to share this post.
Ben Friesen, MSN, FNP-BC